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work with me

I am an author, longtime yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, and Certified Wellness Practitioner. If you are in any stage of recovery from addiction or mental health challenges, we will work at the intersection of yoga, positive psychology, and modern science so that you heal from the spiritual, mental and physical effects of a chronically overburdened nervous system. 

healing modalities

Conscious, Connected Breathwork is a circular breathing technique that allows you to drop your default thinking patterns so that you have access to a more intuitive and emotionally rich state of mind. You may find that you have access to stuck emotional content and a newfound ability to tend to yourself with compassion and awareness. The intensity of the practice differs for everyone and from session to session, but it is not unusual to have deep emotional release and profound insights in just one session.

Integrative Yoga Sessions are designed to bring you long-term, sustainable growth in your recovery process. Using breath, movement, and yoga psychology, you will find a non-dogmatic approach to recovery from chronic stress and related disorders. The healing you experience with yoga addresses your whole self and integrates your needs for purpose, health, and a balanced nervous system. 

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Conscious, Connected Breathwork

Conscious, connected breathwork is an intentional, powerful method of breathing that can work very quickly to transform your way of seeing and interacting with the world.


Without the use of chemicals or plants, this style of breathwork releases you from ego and preconceived ideas about yourself. Once your habitual mental chatter is quieted, deeper aspects of yourself are revealed to you, often leading to emotional breakthroughs and transformational insights.

Breathwork is very useful tool for self-inquiry, intention setting, and processing grief. Breathwork can be done individually, with your partner, or in group settings.

I'd love to talk!
Schedule a free 20-minute intro call.


Integrative Yoga Sessions
and Wellness Coaching

My work as a wellness practitioner lies at the intersection of yoga, positive psychology, and modern science. ​Our process with begin with self-inquiry that pinpoints your needs and  deepest desires. From there, working together, we will create sustainable shifts that support you long after our work together is done. I value changes that are sustainable, which means change may feel gradual. At the same time, you will learn to use breath and movement to love how you feel in your body right now.​


​I take a solutions-oriented approach to well-being that is tailored to your life and circumstances. This work supports your choices regarding other modalities, including western medicine. Part of our what we do together is integrate all of the avenues of support that you find useful. These sessions are perfect if you are in recovery from addiction and other mental health challenges. We will work together using a non-dogmatic approach based on the roots and modern applications of yoga, which address all areas of health and well-being.

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